Cloud Database System
At Texas Weddings, I developed a new cloud-based database system from scratch. The system allowed for administrators to manage permissions and authorized users to upload, download, edit, delete, and copy data. The system also supported a smart search and an advanced search feature. This system was built in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQLi, and later reconfigured to use PDO instead of MySQLi.
Site Maintenance and Database Administration
At Texas Weddings I maintaind 11 websites, tracked usage statistics, updated content, and added new features. Several of these websites were built on WordPress, others were built with JSP. I worked with a third party contractor to maintain some of the sites, and wrote the necessary specifications to rebuild our main sites. I also documented the databases and wrote scripts to validate, restructure and migrate those databases.
Social Network
(Full Stack Development)
Version 2.0 of a social network I originally built in high school, was a vast improvement. I learned many lessons from the first version of the site and I applied those lessons when I rebuilt the site with a simplified layout, optimized code, and added layers of security between the database and users. Building the site required full stack development (obviously) and I used PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and of course HTML and CSS.
Weather App
(Desktop App Development)
This application was produced by a team of five, and I was the lead developer. I began by processing XML and JSON encoded API calls and integrating that into the application's back-end. I also organized and connected the code from other team members, ensuring that each developer's code was working in unison. I was also the go-to person for debugging and resolving git problems, especially merge conflicts.
Laughs and Giggles
What good is life if you don't enjoy yourself every now and then? I made as a quick, just for laughs website.
P.S. If you're wondering why the website takes forever to load, here's a hint:
Patience is a virtue.